

client: AxiosInstance
defaults: Required<SeamHttpRequestOptions>



  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_access_group_id: string;
          acs_user_id: string;
      • acs_access_group_id: string

        ID of the desired access group.

      • acs_user_id: string

        ID of the desired acs_user.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<void, undefined>

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          access_schedule?: {
              ends_at: string;
              starts_at: string;
          acs_access_group_ids?: string[];
          acs_system_id: string;
          email?: string;
          email_address?: string;
          full_name?: string;
          phone_number?: string;
          user_identity_id?: string;
      • Optionalaccess_schedule?: {
            ends_at: string;
            starts_at: string;

        starts_at and ends_at timestamps for the new acs_user's access. If you specify an access_schedule, you must include both starts_at and ends_at. ends_at must be a time in the future and after starts_at. Only applicable to Salto KS access control systems.

        • ends_at: string
        • starts_at: string
      • Optionalacs_access_group_ids?: string[]

        Array of access_group_ids to indicate the access groups to which to add the new acs_user.

      • acs_system_id: string

        ID of the acs_system to which to add the new acs_user.

      • Optionalemail?: string

        use email_address.

      • Optionalemail_address?: string

        Email address of the acs_user.

      • Optionalfull_name?: string

        Full name of the acs_user.

      • Optionalphone_number?: string

        Phone number of the acs_user in E.164 format (for example, +15555550100).

      • Optionaluser_identity_id?: string

        ID of the user identity with which to associate the new acs_user.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
        acs_user: {
            access_schedule?: {
                ends_at: string;
                starts_at: string;
            acs_system_id: string;
            acs_user_id: string;
            created_at: string;
            display_name: string;
            email?: string;
            email_address?: string;
            errors: (
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "deleted_externally";
                    message: string;
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_exceeded";
                    message: string;
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "failed_to_create_on_acs_system";
                    message: string;
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "failed_to_update_on_acs_system";
                    message: string;
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "failed_to_delete_on_acs_system";
                    message: string;
                | "pti_user"
                | "brivo_user"
                | "hid_credential_manager_user"
                | "salto_site_user"
                | "latch_user"
                | "dormakaba_community_user";
            external_type_display_name?: string;
            full_name?: string;
            hid_acs_system_id?: string;
            is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: boolean;
            is_managed: true;
            is_suspended: boolean;
            latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: string;
            phone_number?: string;
            user_identity_email_address?: null | string;
            user_identity_full_name?: null | string;
            user_identity_id?: string;
            user_identity_phone_number?: null | string;
            warnings: ({
                created_at: string;
                message: string;
                warning_code: "being_deleted";
            } | {
                created_at: string;
                message: string;
                warning_code: "salto_ks_user_not_subscribed";
            workspace_id: string;
    }>, "acs_user">, "acs_user">

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_user_id: string;
      • acs_user_id: string

        ID of the desired acs_user.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<void, undefined>

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_user_id: string;
      • acs_user_id: string

        ID of the desired acs_user.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
        acs_user: {
            access_schedule?: {
                ends_at: string;
                starts_at: string;
            acs_system_id: string;
            acs_user_id: string;
            created_at: string;
            display_name: string;
            email?: string;
            email_address?: string;
            errors: (
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "deleted_externally";
                    message: string;
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_exceeded";
                    message: string;
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "failed_to_create_on_acs_system";
                    message: string;
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "failed_to_update_on_acs_system";
                    message: string;
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "failed_to_delete_on_acs_system";
                    message: string;
                | "pti_user"
                | "brivo_user"
                | "hid_credential_manager_user"
                | "salto_site_user"
                | "latch_user"
                | "dormakaba_community_user";
            external_type_display_name?: string;
            full_name?: string;
            hid_acs_system_id?: string;
            is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: boolean;
            is_managed: true;
            is_suspended: boolean;
            latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: string;
            phone_number?: string;
            user_identity_email_address?: null | string;
            user_identity_full_name?: null | string;
            user_identity_id?: string;
            user_identity_phone_number?: null | string;
            warnings: ({
                created_at: string;
                message: string;
                warning_code: "being_deleted";
            } | {
                created_at: string;
                message: string;
                warning_code: "salto_ks_user_not_subscribed";
            workspace_id: string;
    }>, "acs_user">, "acs_user">

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_system_id?: string;
          created_before?: Date;
          limit?: number;
          user_identity_email_address?: string;
          user_identity_id?: string;
          user_identity_phone_number?: string;
      • Optionalacs_system_id?: string

        ID of the acs_system for which you want to retrieve all acs_users.

      • Optionalcreated_before?: Date
      • Optionallimit?: number
      • Optionaluser_identity_email_address?: string

        Email address of the user identity for which you want to retrieve all acs_users.

      • Optionaluser_identity_id?: string

        ID of the user identity for which you want to retrieve all acs_users.

      • Optionaluser_identity_phone_number?: string

        Phone number of the user identity for which you want to retrieve all acs_users, in E.164 format (for example, +15555550100).

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
        acs_users: {
            access_schedule?: {
                ends_at: string;
                starts_at: string;
            acs_system_id: string;
            acs_user_id: string;
            created_at: string;
            display_name: string;
            email?: string;
            email_address?: string;
            errors: (
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "deleted_externally";
                    message: string;
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "salto_ks_subscription_limit_exceeded";
                    message: string;
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "failed_to_create_on_acs_system";
                    message: string;
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "failed_to_update_on_acs_system";
                    message: string;
                | {
                    created_at: string;
                    error_code: "failed_to_delete_on_acs_system";
                    message: string;
                | "pti_user"
                | "brivo_user"
                | "hid_credential_manager_user"
                | "salto_site_user"
                | "latch_user"
                | "dormakaba_community_user";
            external_type_display_name?: string;
            full_name?: string;
            hid_acs_system_id?: string;
            is_latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider?: boolean;
            is_managed: true;
            is_suspended: boolean;
            latest_desired_state_synced_with_provider_at?: string;
            phone_number?: string;
            user_identity_email_address?: null | string;
            user_identity_full_name?: null | string;
            user_identity_id?: string;
            user_identity_phone_number?: null | string;
            warnings: ({
                created_at: string;
                message: string;
                warning_code: "being_deleted";
            } | {
                created_at: string;
                message: string;
                warning_code: "salto_ks_user_not_subscribed";
            workspace_id: string;
    }>, "acs_users">, "acs_users">

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_user_id: string;
      • acs_user_id: string

        ID of the desired acs_user.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<SetNonNullable<Required<{
        acs_entrances: {
            acs_entrance_id: string;
            acs_system_id: string;
            assa_abloy_vostio_metadata?: {
                door_name: string;
                door_number?: number;
                    | "CommonDoor"
                    | "EntranceDoor"
                    | "GuestDoor"
                    | "Elevator";
                pms_id?: string;
                stand_open?: boolean;
            created_at: string;
            display_name: string;
            dormakaba_community_metadata?: {
                access_point_name: string;
            errors: {
                error_code: string;
                message: string;
            latch_metadata?: {
                accessibility_type: string;
                door_name: string;
                door_type: string;
                is_connected: boolean;
            salto_ks_metadata?: {
                battery_level: string;
                door_name: string;
                intrusion_alarm?: boolean;
                left_open_alarm?: boolean;
                lock_type: string;
                locked_state: string;
                online?: boolean;
                privacy_mode?: boolean;
            visionline_metadata?: {
                    | "common"
                    | "guest"
                    | "entrance"
                    | "elevator reader"
                    | "common (PMS)";
                door_name: string;
                profiles?: {
                    visionline_door_profile_id: ...;
                    visionline_door_profile_type: ...;
    }>, "acs_entrances">, "acs_entrances">

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_access_group_id: string;
          acs_user_id: string;
      • acs_access_group_id: string

        ID of the desired access group.

      • acs_user_id: string

        ID of the desired acs_user.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<void, undefined>

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_user_id: string;
      • acs_user_id: string

        ID of the desired acs_user.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<void, undefined>

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_user_id: string;
      • acs_user_id: string

        ID of the desired acs_user.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<void, undefined>

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          acs_user_id: string;
      • acs_user_id: string

        ID of the desired acs_user.

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<void, undefined>

  • Parameters

    • Optionalbody: {
          access_schedule?: null | {
              ends_at: string;
              starts_at: string;
          acs_user_id: string;
          email?: string;
          email_address?: string;
          full_name?: string;
          hid_acs_system_id?: string;
          phone_number?: string;
      • Optionalaccess_schedule?: null | {
            ends_at: string;
            starts_at: string;

        starts_at and ends_at timestamps for the acs_user's access. If you specify an access_schedule, you must include both starts_at and ends_at. ends_at must be a time in the future and after starts_at. Only applicable to Salto KS access control systems.

      • acs_user_id: string

        ID of the acs_user.

      • Optionalemail?: string

        use email_address.

      • Optionalemail_address?: string

        Email address of the acs_user.

      • Optionalfull_name?: string

        Full name of the acs_user.

      • Optionalhid_acs_system_id?: string
      • Optionalphone_number?: string

        Phone number of the acs_user in E.164 format (for example, +15555550100).

    Returns SeamHttpRequest<void, undefined>

  • Parameters

    • clientSessionToken: string

    Returns Promise<void>